How to Edit the Footer Text Size and Color on Your Squarespace Website

In order to standout as a Travel Photographer, you need to make sure your photography website is more than just a duplicate of a template. A simple trick to make your website look a little more professional, is to make sure the footer text matches your style and brand.

The style editor in Squarespace does not allow for us to edit certain sections of the page separate to the rest of the website. This means that you may come across times where the text in your footer seems a bit off. However, if you try to make the text smaller or a different color, it will change the style of every heading or body text of that type throughout your whole site.

The following video shows you how to edit the font size and color of text within the footer. The code used in the video is provided for you below.


The following code is used in the video.

Change the Style of the Whole Footer

footer h1{
  font-size: 20px;
  color: red !important;

Change the Style Within a Section of the Footer

.Footer-blocks--bottom h1{
  font-size: 20px;
  color: red !important;
Rebecca Grace

Rebecca Grace is a Squarespace CSS Expert and Website Designer.

Styling the Links in the Footer of Your Squarespace Website


How to Add a Custom Font to Your Squarespace Website