A Year in Review: 2021

It has been another crazy year at Rebecca Grace Designs. I have spent a lot of time this year learning and growing as a business owner all while renovating and selling my first home, renovating and moving into a new home, and getting engaged! So, let’s take a look at our ups and downs and our goals for next year!

Our Progress and Accomplishments

Last year I made several amazing growths in my business. This year, my goal was to make my monthly income more consistent. I would say that this was accomplish when comparing to last year’s data. This has allowed me to better predict my monthly income and feel more confident in paying myself a consistent amount each month.


This year I also joined Caitlin Bacher’s Scale With Success Course. This course really changed my mindset in how I measure success in my business. I learned a lot about managing my emotions when making business decisions and how to make decisions based on data. With this course I was able to automate a lot of my business processes and put together all of the pieces that go into evergreen marketing.

I also took a course with Jackie Muscat which helped me dive deeper in marketing and writing copy (she’s fantastic… check her out here!) as well as several other gurus in this space.

I would say that overall, I may not have scaled up my business financially as much as I was striving for, but I was able to really focus my niche, evaluate my business structure, and give my business a solid foundation for scaling up this upcoming year.

Where We Could Have Done Better

This year has been hard. Don’t get me wrong, it has been a fantastic year of learning, developing, and new beginnings. However, after huge financial growth in 2020 it can be difficult to not continue to see that growth again. On the other hand, I realized that I needed to shift my mindset and redefine what success looked like in my business. So, I spent the year evaluating my business structure and cleaning up my processes.

I spent a big part of the year working through Caitlin Bacher’s Scale With Success Course. Unfortunately, due to a massive unforeseen house renovation I was not able to put the amount of time into the course as I would have liked. I also felt that the course was more geared towards other course creators and didn’t fit my membership structure very well. I learned a lot about evergreen marketing and sales and will be using pieces of the course going forward. However, I did not get the results I was hoping for when I joined.

Next Year’s Goals

So, next year I hope to put into action all of what I have learned this part year. I have built and developed my Encyclopedia of Code into something I am extremely proud of and I know it will make a big difference in the lives of my members. I am reopening the Encyclopedia to new members in January and plan to continue to build the community.

Pandemic permitting, I hope to finally get professional business photos done and continue improving my branding.

And That’s a Wrap!

Thank you so much for your support. I wish you all a happy holiday season and the best start to the new year. As always, I am going to take the next few weeks to unwind and recuperate so that I can hit the ground running in the new year.


Rebecca xx

Rebecca Grace

Rebecca Grace is a Squarespace CSS Expert and Website Designer.


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